Rabu, 27 April 2011

Choosing and Grooming a Flower Girl

Choosing and Grooming a Flower Girl, A flower girl is a young girl, usually a relative or a family friend of the bride or the groom. She walks behind the bride's maid, or around the maid of maid of honor, carrying a basket of flower petals and scattering them along the aisle. As the wedding procession reaches the altar, she may choose to stand quietly behind the bride and groom, or take a seat near the front of the audience.

In choosing a dress, one should be considerate of factors such as her age and attire. Generally, a flower girl should be between the ages of 4 to 8 years, or even slightly older. Younger girls may become too nervous and overwhelmed, whereas older girls might feel slighted, preferring instead to be chosen as bridesmaids. It is advisable that flower girls appear to be smartly dressed, and exude confidence and excitement!

Traditionally, the clothing of the flower girl was paid and provided for by the families of the bride and the groom. This trend has changed now, and it is the parents of the flower girl who are expected to pay for not just her dress but to also foot the cost of other activities involved in her participating in the wedding ceremony.

In order to prepare a flower dress to play her part, one might make her conduct a rehearsal; so that she becomes accustomed to the various ways and steps she is to take during the wedding ceremony. It may even serve well to buy her a book on the subject that talks about the role that she is to play at the wedding. Such pre-wedding practices may help to build a confidence in the flower girl, and make her feel important and excited! Generally, after preparing her, it is best to let a flower girl be her natural self. This could add a touch of charm and cuteness to the wedding ambiance!

Moving onto the subject of attire, a girl may be dressed in a mini version of the bride's own dress or one that matches it well. Colorful dresses may also be chosen, which the little girl can wear with a sash that matches the bride's dress. Generally, the little girl may wear either a smart plain dress, or a colorful one, so long as it blends in well with the environment and mood at the wedding ceremony. The aspect of comfort is important to ensure that the flower girl does not appear to be nervous and stumbling. The dress should be well fitting, and not too long, in case she trips along the movement of the wedding procession! It may be worth stating that if the flower girl does not like dresses, a formal pants outfit would be perfectly alright, as long as it does not stand out as odd or unmatched to design of bride's own dress and the overall wedding ceremony!

Finally, we talk a little bit about where to procure a dress. This is not a challenging issue, since many departmental stores, bridal boutiques, children clothing stores, and retail outlets sell these in a variety of colors, designs, and even special discounts. Furthermore, several on-line stores have sprung up recently, allowing you to browse for a dress or outfit that would best suit your flower girl!

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